Contoh Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Secara umum penelitian untuk skripsi pendidikan bahasa
inggris terbagi menjadi 3 bagian. Pertama, penelitian yang merupakan studi kasus (case study), atau
di jurusan lain dikenal sebagai penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK), kedua
penelitian eksperimen, dan terakhir penelitian deskripsi, termasuk didalamnya
kritik, dll.
Lebih jelasnya mari kita kulik contoh judul-judul skripsi
pendidikan bahasa Inggris. Contoh judul skripsi ini penulis ambil dari buku
wisuda Universitas Galuh, Ciamis. Jadi judul-judul ini sudah dipakai, sahabat
bisa menjadikannya referensi, tapi tidak untuk menjiplak atau memplagiat. Kalau
ketahuan bisa berabe lho. Apabila ada yang kurang berkenan, silakan komplain
Contoh Judul Skripsi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dan Studi Kasus (Case Study)
Improving the student’s
achievement in writing recount text by using stick figures (A Classroom actoin
reseach of eighth grade in SMP Islam Langen) Karya Ida Widia Susanti, S.Pd.
Student’s engagement in
english literature and its relationship to second language acquisition in
grammar (A case study at the sixth grade of islamic elementary school in
Panawangan) karya Ina Rahmayuti, S.Pd.
The use of cuisenaire rods
in teaching degrees of comparison (A
case study at the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Kawali), Karya Arif
Sulaeman, S.Pd.
English Club to enhangce
students’s motivation to learn englis (A case study at the eighth grade Of MTs
N Sindangkasih, Ciamis) Karya RD. Nurmalina, S.Pd.
Contoh Judul Skripsi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Penelitian Eksperimen
Teaching reading
comprehension through question and answer technique (An experimental study at
the sixth grade of elementary school in Ciamis) karya IIS Hendrawati Anwar,
The effectiveness of using
transactional dialogue to improve students’s speaking ability (A True experimental at the eighth grade of
SMP N 7 Banjar) Karya Elis Yuliastri Ade Iskandar, S.Pd.
Semantic mapping in
technique to improve students’s writing ablility of recount text ( A true
experimental at the eighth grade Of Junior High School in Ciamis) Karya Ririn
Yuliani, S.Pd.
Reading Fable as a way of
enhancing students’s vocabulary mastery (A True experimental study at the
eighth grade of Islamic Junior High School Banjar) Karya Feni Nuzulani, S.Pd.
Contoh Judul Skripsi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Deskripsi (Analisis)
An Analysis on articulation
errors made by english studens in pronouncing soounds that do not exist in
indonesian phonetic system (a descriptive study at the eighth semester students
of Galuh University Ciamis) karya Edwin
Sidik, S.Pd.
The correlation between
students’s reading comprehension and their translating product (A descriptive
study of the third grade of SMP N 1 Cipari), karya Ahmad Asrori, S.Pd.
A Correlation between
student’s mastery of past tense and their achievement in writing recount (A
desciriptive study at eighth grade of SMP N
2 Cikoneng) Karya Gian Sugianto, S.Pd.
The repsentation of
politenes in aefl junior high school text book (A discourse analysis on one of
textbook used at junior high school in Ciamis) Karya Erisma Yayu Novriyantika,
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